The Lamp

Where truth can be shared.

Good Christians are Good Citizens

Posted by thelamp on October 4, 2006

Fewer than six weeks remain until the Nov. 7 election. Media and political analysts are speculating that values voters are discouraged and may not show up at the polls. A strong turnout of Christian voters can prove them wrong. If you still need to register, click here to view the registration deadline in your state.

People of faith struck a nerve in the 2004 presidential election. Supporters of traditional moral values initiated a momentum that must not falter now. This year, the number of ballot questions voters will consider is the highest in 10 years. That means CMC members have to do their homework.

Government is an institution established by God in Genesis 9. Prior to this time, violence had increased dramatically because there were no restraints on behavior. The purpose of government, then, according to the Bible, is to restrain evildoers.

The apostle Paul points this out in Romans 13. Paul lived in the Roman Empire, so he didn’t have the opportunity to participate in his government,. Latter-day Christians, though, live in a country governed “by the people and for the people.”

There are 60 million evangelical Christians in our country, yet less than one fourth of them vote in most elections. It’s not enough to pray for our country and its leaders. Put feet to the prayers.

Here’s an overview of some key issues at stake Nov. 7:

Property rights will be decided in 12 states. Voters in Louisiana, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon and South Carolina will consider six legislative referendums and six citizen initiatives.

Educated voters need to know what’s at stake. The Center for Moral Clarity recommends studying the proposals in advance. For example, the four Western states — Arizona, California, Idaho and Washington — will decide whether to follow Oregon’s lead and begin compensating citizens when government regulations lower the value of private property.

In 2004, a constitutional amendment made Oregon the only state to allow payments for so-called “regulatory takings.” The result has been more than 2,400 claims requesting more than $5.6 billion in compensation.

Same-sex marriage is coming to a vote in eight states. Twenty other states already have passed legislation in the wake of a 2003 Massachusetts court decision that legalized same-sex unions there.

The debate is heating up in Wisconsin, where Bible-believing citizens are battling for the right to define marriage rather than allowing a judge with an agenda to do it for them. Bans on same-sex marriage will also appear on ballots in Virginia, Colorado, South Carolina, Idaho, Arizona, South Dakota and Tennessee.

An abortion ban could become law in South Dakota, the location of this year’s most intense duel for life. A Nov. 7 referendum will determine whether the state will defend the culture of life or advance the culture of death. The future of the nation’s strictest abortion ban, which was passed by the state legislature, rests in voters’ hands. Abortion would be permitted only when the mother’s life is in jeopardy.

These are important decisions. Make a commitment to learn and understand the issues and candidates during the next six weeks.


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