The Lamp

Where truth can be shared.

Hate-Crimes Fraud Exposed

Posted by thelamp on April 18, 2007

As Congress once again ponders passage of H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, a disturbing revelation has come to light. According to investigators, the alleged incident that prompted re-introduction of the bill in the 110th Congress never actually happened. The Feb. 23 death that gay activists are using to justify the exaggerated need for broader enforcement of federal hate-crimes laws, in fact, was the result natural causes (“Medical examiner: Spinal disease killed Andrew Anthos“). So the possible erosion of Christians’ constitutional rights is not based on truth.

The Center for Moral Clarity has consistently argued that the hate-crimes bill, which has been before Congress numerous times over the past seven years, is a poor piece of legislation. Nevertheless, desperate to advance a failing agenda, the bill’s proponents have resorted to fabricating the need for the law, which is one more valid reason to fight it.

Click here to urge Congress to vote against H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act is linked to Anthos’ high-profile death. The 72-year-old homosexual reportedly met his demise after a phantom black man called him a derogatory name then struck him in the back of the head with a metal pipe. The “tragedy” so touched U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., that he delivered a moving speech on the Senate floor.

“We should condemn and act against the hate crimes that have plagued our nation and have had such a devastating impact on Andrew Anthos, and thousands of others and their families,” Levin said. “In addition, I hope that state governments will strengthen their own hate-crime statutes to combat this growing trend.”

If lawmakers really want meaningful legislation on this issue, the more fitting proposal would be to enact harsher punishment for people who lie about hate crimes. Gay activists are so eager to label offenses against their ranks as “hate crimes” they are distorting statistics in their favor. Such false reports end up in FBI data as well as impassioned congressional speeches. There’s no telling how many other “hate-crime” accounts are bogus.

The Concerned Women of America, the largest public policy women’s organization, has called for a federal investigation of fake hate-crime reports (“CWA to Feds: It’s Time to Investigate Fake “Hate Crimes” Reports“). CMC agrees that such fraud must be exposed.


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